Remember that boundary we talk about when you bring others into your space - you’re also going to be going into others and there is going to be a level of expectation for bare minimal professionalism.
The picture above is a fair example.
Notice you can see his body? The camera should be on more than your face because as humans we express and communicate more than with our faces! We use our hands, our arms, the way we sit, we move our heads (a lot), and the audience needs to see it!
Cameras should be set on or in front of the monitor no lower than shoulder level and no higher than forehead level. Play with this angle to figure out what you feel presents you best (try taking selfies before you sit at a desk, know what you like!).
For example, I’m self-conscious of my underchin and hairline. I keep my camera high to reduce the “size” of both.
Look at the picture above and imagine, what it would look like if he had raised it higher? Lower? What was he trying to accentuate? What would you like to be the focus of your camera position?